Zane Groshelle works for Prezi, wandering the world spreading the word. He attended the IFVP 2012 Conference in Pittsburgh, where he gave a workshop on how to use Prezi. It's cloud-based software that is incredibly easy to use, flexible and playful with its zoomable canvas. You can include photos, videos, and documents, and the software has a huge range of forms and colors to choose from. It can be used as a structured presentation or a brainstorming tool, and you can even draw in it.
More information on Prezi here.
Zane created a Prezi that tells you a bit about all the people who were there! You can also look at a Prezi I created for a client from a digital harvest of a conference on participatory knowledge building. And why? So that those who were not present could participate of course.
It can be used as a structured presentation or a brainstorming tool, and you can even draw in it.
Rédigé par : breitling replica | 05/12/2012 à 10:57