Constantly frustrated by the way many members of my "tribe", friends, and family are distant in space, and fascinated by the incredible potential of the various virtual communication platforms with their "whiteboard" and screen-sharing capacities, I've become convinced that virtual conversation is the way to go. However, I suspect that visual reinforcement is crucial to engagement and possibly decreasing the usual multi-tasking that goes on when people are in an on-line meeting that lacks the usual reinforcements of face-to-face dialogue. Let's surf and talk at the same time... what about that email I've been expecting? and so forth.
Found a wonderful example of a graphically facilitated MOOC by Nancy White of Full Circle Associates. She has people choosing their chair to sit in, drawing their feelings on the whiteboard, using silence (for pondering) and chat and getting feedback on both on the whiteboard, creating a group matrix on interactivity and productivity to find the "sweet spot", and generally taking full advantage of this whiteboard function where people can not only play with drawing but also use symbols, forms, words, and color to express themselves, which is important given how hard it is to draw with a mouse!
Unfortunately, there's no indication as to what platform she's using...
There's something strange going on with the insert video function on typepad, so I'm also providing a direct link to the video...